Definition of Dyslexia

Bredon School is an independent day and boarding school offering specialist Dyslexia teaching for children aged 8 to 18 years old.  English and Maths lessons are taught every single day* in average class sizes of 12.  We are proud to be on the CReSTeD register, sitting within the Dyslexia Specialist Provision category.

Our curriculum, pathways, provision and experience are all centered around the dyslexic mind.

Dyslexia does not impact intelligence, nor is it a barrier to learning. We understand dyslexia is a complex condition and every pupil has unique abilities relating to learning. Therefore we offer every pupil a unique and tailored education.

A different approach with brilliant results

School life before Bredon can be difficult as pupils often arrive feeling disheartened, frustrated and let down in their learning experiences. They may have experienced little or no progress, even though they have tried very hard. Pupils may feel frustrated as they do not understand what is being taught and find it easier to give up in the classroom. This can lead to feeling different from their peers which can impact their relationships, confidence and self-esteem.

The foundation to a pupil’s success is self belief and confidence. The Bredon journey begins with developing an understanding of every pupil as an individual. This builds trust, positive relationships and ultimately successful outcomes both in school and life beyond the classroom. Once we have begun to understand a pupil we support them in rebuilding their confidence and develop strategies that enhance their education. Ensuring they find what they are good at and excelling at it is a key part of this journey.

An individual Pupil Passport is developed with our SEN team that details the pupils strengths and needs.  Detailing barriers to their learning and developing strategies that underpin a successful learning environment. This individualised approach allows pupils to share what they feel works in helping them achieve in the classroom and provides an element of ownership to their learning.

We don’t just know Dyslexia, we understand it.

Dyslexia is a language-based difficulty, which makes it harder to learn to read and spell. We know that dyslexia can affect literacy acquisition and this can also impact negatively on many other areas of the curriculum. It is our job to unpick these difficulties for each child and to support them to make the necessary progress.  Listed below are some of the ways Bredon is different and how we support Dyslexic learning in our curriculum:

  • Pupils are taught in average class sizes of 12 throughout the school
  • English and Maths is on the curriculum daily until Year 9
  • Assistive technology is available to all pupils
  • Four educational pathways are offered to pupils from Year 10. Academic, Creative, Skills Based and Vocational subjects enable pupils to choose subjects based on their abilities and interests.
  • Pupils are offered many opportunities for outdoor learning, from Maths on the Farm to English in the Forest
  • Outdoor education is large part of the curriculum
  • Specialist Support in Senior School
  • Opportunities for resits and retakes
  • Check understanding “tell me what you need to do first/next; tell me what you think you need to do”
  • Provide key information/instructions in smaller bite-sized chunks
  • Encourage verbal rehearsal (aloud or in head)
  • Allow extra ‘take up’ time
  • Provide visual reminders/memory aids along with handouts
  • Build in opportunities for overlearning
  • Brain and movement breaks
  • Make tasks short and snappy
  • Prompt pupils to keep on task
  • Multi-sensory teaching

The ultimate aim is that all of our pupils can develop holistically. We aim for all pupils to have the tools and knowledge to enable them to flourish inside the classroom and beyond the school gates.

Our specialist learning support team is always available to support pupils throughout their journey. Working together to build confidence and put into practice techniques to support individual needs. This team are Bredon’s cheerleaders who coach and support each and every pupil to cross the finish line achieving the results for a successful future.

Next steps

A large number of pupils at Bredon have dyslexia and dyscalculia Our experience shows dyslexia often co-occurs with related conditions. Our admissions team are on hand to talk you through what a Bredon education could offer and whether it is right for your child.  Please feel free to contact them on if you would like to find out more.  A warm welcome awaits you.