Get to Know Us Better: Q and A with this year’s Head Boy, Head Girl, and Chair of Student Council

Posted: 15th October 2019

We spent some time speaking to our senior pupil leadership team for 2019 – 20 to find out a little more about them – here is what they had to say for themselves!

From left to right: Samantha (Chair of Student Council), Joe (Head Boy), Milly (Head Girl)

Q: Can you introduce yourself to us?

Joe: Hi, I’m Joe, and I’m Head Boy. I am 18 years old and I am a day pupil (although I did board last year).

Milly: My name is Milly, I’m 17 years old and I’m Head Girl this year. I board here at Bredon and I love it.

Samantha: Hi, my name is Samantha, and I’m really excited to have been chosen as the Chair of Student Council this year. I’m a boarder here at Bredon.

Q: What subjects are you currently studying?

Joe: I’m studying History, Robotics and Business. My favourite is History – without a doubt. I have always had a personal love for History and I am always interested in finding out what we can learn from our past. My History teachers are also awesome, so that helps!

Milly: My subjects are Art, Photography and Sport. It is hard for me to choose a favourite, but if I could only pick one, I think it would be Sport. I’m passionate about sport in general and I would like to have a career in the sport industry one day.

Samantha: I’ve chosen Engineering, Art, Photography and ASDAN as my subjects. I love Engineering as it is full of problem solving, fixing things, and generally getting stuck in!

Q: What are you going to bring to your new role as Head Boy/Head Girl/Chair of Student Council?

Joe: I am hoping to set a good example for the younger pupils, and be a good role model. I want to be an ambassador for Bredon and I am really looking forward to carrying out tours of the school with visitors, as well as making speeches as Head Boy at events such as Open Mornings and Founder's Day. Having been at the school for quite a few years, I hope that I can give advice and support to any pupils, especially when they are new and getting settled in to life at Bredon.

Milly: I hope that pupils will see me as someone who is very approachable. I would like to be able to make pupils feel as though they can come and talk to me and share ideas, and know that they have support here if they need it at any time. I hope that I am able to inspire others, especially the younger pupils, to work hard and achieve their goals.

Samantha: I am excited to really listen to pupil ideas and I hope to be a voice for my peers. I want to make Bredon an even happier place than it already is and make sure that the pupils here know that their opinions are important. I’m here to help make my fellow pupils' time here as good as it can be!

Q: Tell us one of your favourite moments at Bredon…

Joe: There are so many to choose from! A moment that does spring to mind would have to be the first day of Year 10. I liked being able to choose my subjects, and felt as though I had more freedom alongside more responsibility. I remember feeling as though that was the moment I changed from a boy into a young adult.

Milly: Some of my favourite moments have been during the activities in the Boarding House. We always have so much fun, especially at weekends when we get to go out shopping or taking part in adventures on a Sunday.

Samantha: That’s easy – during Quiz Night in House, there was a ‘messy round’ where we had to carry out tasks in pairs. One of us was blindfolded and the other had to be our ‘arms’. By the end, we were covered in toothpaste, cornflakes and milk – it was so funny, and really showed us the importance of working well in a team!

Q: What would be your advice to any new pupils joining Bredon School?

Joe: Find your passion. Embrace the different things that happen along the way. Work hard and you will do well. Don’t be afraid to talk to people, you will make friends here, and take it from me, you will be happy here!

Milly: If you feel scared about school to begin with, that’s ok – Bredon is such a welcoming school, and everyone here is so accepting, you will be well looked after and cared for. Just remember that you are not alone, we are a family.

Samantha: Try to make the most of every opportunity offered to you. Be yourself, because everyone here is different and you will fit in. People here understand the everyday struggles that you may have been through, we all help each other.

Q: And finally, if you had to describe Bredon School in three words, what would they be?

Joe: Caring, different, family.

Milly: Friendly, memorable, fun.

Samantha: Exciting, unique, welcoming.

To read the Head Boy and Head Girl's Welcome, click here.

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