Pupils in the Junior School took part in 'Make Me a Superhero Week' from Monday 10th to Friday 14th February. The purpose of the week was for the children to explore and develop the qualities that many 'superheroes' possess, such as kindness, resilience and bravery.
Superhero sessions began on Monday and during their first lesson, pupils learned what resilience is and what it means to be resilient. The following day, pupils discussed negative, unhelpful thoughts and how these may stop them from learning and achieving. They were given tips on how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
By Wednesday, our mini superheroes were beginning to identify their personal strengths and talents. They also thought about what they might need to improve on in order to be the best they can be. On Thursday, pupils learned about impulsive responses and ways to control them.
In the final session on Friday, our pupils learned that sometimes even superheroes need help from others and that we all need to make sure that we help each other, working together as a strong team.
To celebrate the week, pupils came to school on Friday in their very own 'superhero' costume. The children were asked to dress up as someone they perceive to be a superhero – a famous superhero, sportsperson, scientist, or anyone who has shown resilience in the face of adversity. Our pupils' outfits ranged from Captain America, to a policewoman, to Queen Boudica!
'Make Me a Superhero Week' was a great success; the pupils loved taking part and learned some key skills to help them on their learning journey.