Government Announcement: Pupil Return to School on 8th March

Posted: 23rd February 2021

Following confirmation from the Prime Minister yesterday evening, we are delighted to confirm that Bredon School will be reopening to all pupils with effect of Monday, 8th March. It goes without saying that we are very much looking forward to welcoming all pupils back to Bredon.

The Department for Education (DfE) has issued comprehensive guidance on securing a safe return, some of which will require additional preparations prior to our reopening. The Senior Management Team will, over the coming days, be reviewing the School’s Autumn Term protocols and procedures alongside any additional requirements. These will be communicated to parents in full no later than Wednesday, 3rd March.

In the meantime, we advise the following will be in place upon our pupils return:

1) Face coverings – pupils in Year 7 and above will be required to wear a mask when in classrooms and when moving around the premises including corridors and communal areas where social distancing cannot be maintained. This does not apply where a face mask may impact upon physical activity such as sport.

2) Hand washing – all pupils will be reminded regularly to wash their hands using soap and water with facilities being provided across the campus in addition to hand sanitising stations.

3) Year group locations – as in the Autumn Term, year groups will be allocated a designated area to enable each year group to form a “bubble”.

4) Lunch – as in the Autumn Term lunch times will be staggered to ensure year group bubbles are maintained.

5) Testing – for the first two weeks after our return all pupils in Year 7 and above will be required to undertake twice weekly asymptomatic testing which will be administered by the school nursing team at our dedicated testing centre. In an extension to Government testing, tests after this time will take the form of a home testing kit details of which we will share with parents once they become available.

We shall be keeping up to date with all Government guidance as it emerges whilst constantly monitoring the situation in school. Should you have any questions or queries then please do not hesitate to contact me directly (

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